1. Name some important Beat authors.
*Jack Kerouac
*Clellon Holmes
*Herbert Huncke
* Lucien Carr
2. Where did the Beat Generation culture originate primarily?
The Beat Generation originated in New York around 1948
3. How was it seen by the general public?
Normal people saw the Beat Generation as a criminal act because of the massive use of drugs
4. What did it offer the nation?
It was an anti-academic movement, they wanted to offer new formalistic literary ideas.
5. Describe the main characteristics of Beatniks. Can you find any images or video clips to support your description?
"far out of the mainstream of society" this was a media stereotype of the time that was based in propaganda
6. How do you think the Beat Generation have influenced our present culture?
I think that the literary techniques that were created at that time are useful tools for writers now a days. I also think that this was a great way for people to achieve a social skill and this was the breakthrough for personal opinion over other people that are more important.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beat_Generation