domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012

Film Scene Analysis

Analyse how the director has created particular feelings in the audience through the use of camera shots, sounds and acting.

        In this extract from One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, we see a very powerful scene from  the movie. In thsi scene we can see two main parts, when Billy talks to Miss. Ratched and dies, and also when McMurphy hangs nurse Ratched. Milos Forman (director) creates an intense talk between Billy and Nurse Ratched by always pointing at Billy's face after she says something about telling her mother what he did. We can see how Billy's face seems to be more woried everytime and also that he starts to stutter more and more. At the beginning Billy seems to be very confident because he knows that his friends are with him, but then he starts to feel more insecure and the leads him to commit suicide. 

        In the other scene, we see Nurse Ratched telling to the patients to remain calmed. but that is when McMurphy jumps on top of her and hangs her almost to death nut then Warren comes in and punches Randle on the back. We see the facial expression that McMurphy has when he is hanging her and also her face. That tells us that her power is corrupted and that patients are going to be different now, they will be more free-spirit and much more brave. 

   In conclusion, we as audience feel that this scene is a breakthrough in the story because before everythinh was happiness and now chaos is ruling in the ward. I think that after this scene only negative things happen that might change our point of view for this movie and book.

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