The main thing that rappers want to transmit when they are composing their music are their feelings. A great example of a rapper that transmits his ideas, feelings and thoughts through his music is Eminem. In his songs, we can see and listen to what he sings, he transmits very strong ideas and very important, he doesn't care about what people think about him. For example, in the song 'Stan', he sings about a fan that used to send letters to him but Eminem didn't answer back so he committed suicide. In this song, when he says 'Dear Mister-I'm-Too-Good-To-Call-Or-Write-My-Fans, This'll be the last package I ever send your a**' we can see that even though the 'fan' is writing, this might be what he feels about himself.
As I said before, the roots of Rap music began from the hip hop culture originated in the Bronx, NYC. This was a breakthrough for rap and hip hop music because it was a time where there was going to be a change. At the beginnings of hip hop culture, there were a bunch of house parties and rhyme battles. The reason why DJ Kool Herc wanted to create this new culture was because he wanted to create something with Jamaican roots and share it with everyone. With this house parties he kind of introduce this new movement called 'HIP HOP'
For me, the best rapper ever is Tupac Shakur. His main messages in his songs were about racism as we can see in his most famous song 'Changes' Tupac Amaru Shakur was born in June 16, 1971 and died in Las Vegas in September 13, 1996. He was a very important influence for the development of contemporary rap music in the 80s and 90s. He is so important and famous, that in Coachella 2011 they created a hologram of him performing 'Hail Mary' with Snoop Dog and Dr. Dre.
In my opinion, Rap music is very interesting and awesome to listen to. I do like listening to rap but only if it is from a good artist. There are lots of rappers that are famous and rap in spanish like 'Porta'. Even here in Ecuador we have rappers that are known in other countries from South America like '77 Seven' and 'Fu-Marmota. In conclusion, rap music is amazing and awesome to listen to.
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